On November 17th, I had my menniscus (?spelling) operated on. Garrett went with me for the surgery, which went well, and then, he left me in the caring hands of my mom and dad, and took the boys to hang out with Garrent's mom and Darrell for a few days, leaving me better able to relax and recover.
On the way back home, they stopped at Brandon and Mandy's house and played with their cousins.

For Thanksgiving, we went to my mother's parent's home. This is me with my grandpa, sporting my new hairdo.

Garrett and Jacob

Melanie, Maylee, and Grandpa

Melanie, Maylee, Mathew, and Grandpa

Gabe, Uncle Dave, Brooke, and Mathew

Stephanie and Grandpa

Jonathan, Jacob, Grandpa, and Gabe

Riding on Daddy's back....

Uncle Doug, Grandma, and Dad

Grandma, a sleeping Jacob on Grandpa's lap, Me, Mom, Uncle Doug's head