Sunday, February 21, 2010

January Highlights

New Year's party at Grandma and Grandpa's!

Garrett and Gabe with Gabe's new haircut from Aunt Stephie - Cute, huh!

Our hometeacher's family gave us a bunch of toys - Here's the lincoln log cabin that Jonathan and his dad built.
Jacob's 2nd birthday!

Jacob's birthday cake

Brothers peering (somewhat jealously) at Jacob's new toy!

I love this picture because this is how Garrett kneels for family prayer and now, all the boys do it to, but not because their knees hurt them, but because they want to be like Daddy! And this is a doll that Jacob has taken to - I've even seem him kissing it....right before he kicks it.

It was a hard night and I ended up in the guest bed, so Garrett could sleep, and Jonathan ended up in bed with me. Then, I woke up and read my scriptures and before long, Jacob joined me.

Carol and Bryan came out for Garrett's birthday and we had lots of fun and made lots of plans...

Garrett was cleaning out some of his stuff and the boys were helping him. Soon, they came upstairs dressed like this.

Sir Gabe - my little knight in browning armour.

Christmas Fun

Well, here's some stuff from Christmas this year!
This is hide-and-seek when mommy's counting - Everyone ends up in the closet. Jacob loves finding people - Hiding's ok, if you can find him quick. Gabe still thinks it's fun to hide in the same place every time. Jonathan is getting into the game more and more!

This is at the local Festival of Trees. While we waited for Jonathan to perform, Gabe got on Santa's lap.

Jonathan is about dead center, with an elf hat on, 2nd row from the front, with his hands covering his teeth, and most likely not singing, but very happy to be with the people who are singing.

Here's Christmas morning when the boys came in. As always, Gabe is pulling a crazy face; Jacob is showing a typical I-just-woke-up-so-don't-smile-at-me look. Jonathan's got a big smile on. I don't remember why they're wearing shoes....

For Christmas, each of the boys got hats. I love it!

Fall back to fall - An Update

Gabe and a cow on the Zollinger Farm.

Feeding cows the corn husks (Gabe, Uncle Joseph, Brooke, Jacob, Owen).

At the end of September, Garrett's Grandma Platt died. The oldest son from each of her children's families were each pall bearers. So there's Garrett, on the front right side.

Here's Garrett again, and Jacob in the bottom left side.

In this picture, you can see a little boy that I do not know (on the left), then Hadley, Gabe, Jacob on my lap, Jonathan, Corbin, and Vincent.

After the funeral and grave dedication, we went over to the grave of Garrett's brother, Aaron. The boys had kept a rose from Grandma Platt's grave (w/permission), and they set one of them on the headstone. I thought it was a great picture!
On October 20th, Jonathan lost his first tooth while mommy was away at school, Garrett took pictures and he called to tell me about it - hence the phone.

The boys build a fort in their room (I think), while mommy was away.

Forcing Gabe (a knight with a ninja sword and sheild) to go trick-or-treat'ing (Can't we stay home and get candy; Can we go home yet; let's get out of here) with Jonathan (Wolverine), and Jacob (the scarecrow).

Here's Jonathan's Thanksgiving party. Jonathan, AKA Wolf Man, is doing an indian dance with drum music.