Here’s a story of a very special little girl
Who grew to a woman – an “of great price” pearl.
Her life, one might say, had a sad sort of start;
At three years old, she lost the mother of her heart.
But blessed she was with another woman grand
Who made home a place where love did abound.
Within that loving home, my grandma changed and grew.
In the eyes of a handsome soldier, she was quite a view.
And he asked for her hand from my great grandpa
And Oh! What a treasure he caught in that paw.
They started their lives together and in twenty more years
Three boys and five girls came with blood, sweat, and tears.
A few more years later, the grandkids started to come
Of this couple’s great posterity, I am but one.
At Grandma’s side, I’ve spent hours and hours,
Assisting in cooking, cleaning, gardens and flowers.
In fact, one of my earliest memories was so cool
She took me to her first grade class at school.
Because we always lived so close to her home
I went with her and grandpa the country for to roam.
Always willing to talk to me when I had a need
Grandma’s ability to talk is a talent indeed!
But it’s just one of the things that she could do
To magnify her family in the eyes of not a few!
Caring for people is a great talent of my grandpa’s wife
Spending time with loved ones at the end of their life.
So willing to serve and when the tables are turned
A big hearty thank you – she’s sure you have earned!
This nurturing woman is good with people of all kinds
From young to old - She doesn’t seem to mind.
Grandma, You've been the perfect grandma for me.
I'm so thankful to be part of your posterity.
You're one of the "noble and great" of my life.
A huge happy birthday to my grandpa's wife!