Two great women were born on this date in time
My great grandma Vanetta and this mother of mine.
More than birthdays are shared by theses two noble souls;
Each one chose to pursue the same occupational roles.
They both have been teachers - but beyond this great field
The title of mother - they both chose to yeild.
They did more than just each raise six kids to adulthood.
Beyond their mere words - much more was understood.
Of my Grandma Vanetta, I remember just a bit
The smell of her house and where her candy did sit
Her glasses, her teeth, the forbidden laundry shoot
The attic filled with endless marvels for youth.
I'm so grateful for how she jumped into a new life
After marrying my grandpa when he lost his first wife.
She not only taught the gospel to my grandma and her sister
But instilled a deep love for their mom when they asked her.
She was a great woman in my ancestry, for sure
And she's someone I'll always be gratefor for.
But for the rest of this poem, my words I'll devote
To the woman who will always have my "Best Mother" vote!
My dad told me once that all of us kids were "ok"
"But it's your mother I want to be with all day."
As we each joined the growing Z family clan
We were cared for in the most loving of hands.
Dad worked more than one job - making ends meet
Leaving mother to train all twelve little feet.
We like to remind her of the silly things we remember
Hiding Christmas presents in June - and not finding them in December.
But I don't think I tell her nearly as often as I should
How her little daily efforts made our home better than good!
Mom always knew when our feet stepped thru the door
If our day was good or if there was something more...
She could might anything we wanted with her amazing foresight
That could see how to make any school project turn out just right!
She taught us the skills to be fantastic parents and spouses
Showing thru example how to make homes out of houses.
Mother's often common title has been "Matt's wife"
A title she's had for most of her life.
My Dad's ability to do so much of what he can
Rests solidly on my mother's support for her man.
If this "angel mother" of mine has one flaw it would be
Her unwavering, always steady devotion to our family.
When one of her kids hurts or falls into trouble
You've got to know that her heart feels it double.
Yet day after day, she continues with a smile and a cheer
Ready to help - helping hands to a listening ear.
Mom - I love you - so much of what I am today
Is thanks to you - What more can I say.
If ever my income gets close to my level of thanks
Your sure to be envied by all of the banks!
Christmas Day
1 month ago
1 comment: make me look bad!!!
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