Friday, April 11, 2008

The Baby's Growing!

So for those of you (meaning all of you) that don't get out here to see our little new one grow and change, here are the latest pictures of Jacob.
Yes, it appears that he always is trying out his arms.
What a smiley boy!
Again with the arms.
Again with the smiles!
And Dad getting him ready to be thrown in the air - maybe joining his brother in the bellybutton classification of Outie/Hernia. For any of my family out there - the picture in the background is "My House of Dreams" by Grandma Ruth - Ah how I miss her.


Necha said...

He looks just like Gabe! I still can't beleive I havn't seen him! HE is so cute! He has an umbilical hernia? Maggie had that, but it went away already.

Cynthia said...

No - Gabe had the hernia and I think it's gone away. Garrett said he wasn't going to throw Gabe around anymore. I just thought it was funny he was getting started with the next child.