Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jonathan's Silly Speech

While my mom and dad were here, they drove Jonathan to church. On the way, he let out a long string of jibberish and mom said, "Jonathan, you're being silly." To which he responded, "I'm not silly - I'm speaking Spanish." So, our family is now up one linguist!


Alison said...

Don't you just love kids?

Unknown said...

He has the cutest little voice ever. I love listening to his stories on the way home from Pre-school.
He did awesome in the program and I'm so glad that your parents could come.

Dave and Mel said...

We are learning Japanese at our house....Spanish just wasn't Challenging enough....I can totally hear him saying it too. He is a silly kid. Mom said that had fun.

David and Shayla said...

I love that story, Mom was laughing really hard when she told it to me. Jonathan is a hoot.